Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. My father told me the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival. After the death of Qu Yuan, people in the Chu state were very sad. They came rushing to the riverside to hang on to Qu Yuan.
The fishermen rowed boats and salvaged him on the river. A fisherman took out the food, such as the meal, the egg, and so on. "Flop, flop" and throw it into the river. It said that the fish dragon and crabs were full, and the doctor's body would not be bitten. Xianhou people have to follow.
To avoid injure the doctor of Qu. Later, for fear of eating rice and vegetable roll for the dragon, people come up with neem leaves board, color outside the winding wire, into zongzi. Later, in the early May of the year five, there were customs of dragon boat racing, eating zongzi and drinking Xionghuang wine, in order to commemorate Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet.